Source code for psij.executors.batch.slurm

from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Collection, List, Dict, IO

from psij import Job, JobStatus, JobState, SubmitException
from psij.executors.batch.batch_scheduler_executor import BatchSchedulerExecutor, \
    BatchSchedulerExecutorConfig, check_status_exit_code
from psij.executors.batch.script_generator import TemplatedScriptGenerator

_SQUEUE_COMMAND = 'squeue'

[docs]class SlurmExecutorConfig(BatchSchedulerExecutorConfig): """A configuration class for the Slurm executor.""" pass
[docs]class SlurmJobExecutor(BatchSchedulerExecutor): """A :class:`~psij.JobExecutor` for the Slurm Workload Manager. The `Slurm Workload Manager <>`_ is a widely used resource manager running on machines such as NERSC's Perlmutter, as well as a variety of LLNL machines. Uses the 'sbatch', 'squeue', and 'scancel' commands, respectively, to submit, monitor, and cancel jobs. Creates a batch script with #SBATCH directives when submitting a job. Renders all custom attributes set on a job's attributes with a `slurm.` prefix into corresponding Slurm directives with long-form parameters. For example, `job.spec.attributes.custom_attributes['slurm.qos'] = 'debug'` causes a directive `#SBATCH --qos=debug` to be placed in the submit script. """ # see _STATE_MAP = { 'BF': JobState.FAILED, 'CA': JobState.CANCELED, 'CD': JobState.COMPLETED, 'CF': JobState.QUEUED, 'CG': JobState.ACTIVE, 'DL': JobState.FAILED, 'F': JobState.FAILED, 'NF': JobState.FAILED, 'OOM': JobState.FAILED, 'PD': JobState.QUEUED, 'PR': JobState.FAILED, 'R': JobState.ACTIVE, 'RD': JobState.QUEUED, 'RF': JobState.QUEUED, 'RH': JobState.QUEUED, 'RQ': JobState.ACTIVE, 'SO': JobState.ACTIVE, 'TO': JobState.FAILED, # TODO: double-check these 'RS': JobState.ACTIVE, 'RV': JobState.QUEUED, 'SI': JobState.ACTIVE, 'SE': JobState.ACTIVE, 'ST': JobState.ACTIVE, 'S': JobState.ACTIVE } # see _REASONS_MAP = { 'AssociationJobLimit': 'The job\'s association has reached its maximum job count.', 'AssociationResourceLimit': 'The job\'s association has reached some resource limit.', 'AssociationTimeLimit': 'The job\'s association has reached its time limit.', 'BadConstraints': 'The job\'s constraints can not be satisfied.', 'BeginTime': 'The job\'s earliest start time has not yet been reached.', 'Cleaning': 'The job is being requeued and still cleaning up from its previous execution.', 'Dependency': 'This job is waiting for a dependent job to complete.', 'FrontEndDown': 'No front end node is available to execute this job.', 'InactiveLimit': 'The job reached the system InactiveLimit.', 'InvalidAccount': 'The job\'s account is invalid.', 'InvalidQOS': 'The job\'s QOS is invalid.', 'JobHeldAdmin': 'The job is held by a system administrator.', 'JobHeldUser': 'The job is held by the user.', 'JobLaunchFailure': 'The job could not be launched.This may be due to a file system ' 'problem, invalid program name, etc.', 'Licenses': 'The job is waiting for a license.', 'NodeDown': 'A node required by the job is down.', 'NonZeroExitCode': 'The job terminated with a non-zero exit code.', 'PartitionDown': 'The partition required by this job is in a DOWN state.', 'PartitionInactive': 'The partition required by this job is in an Inactive state and not ' 'able to start jobs.', 'PartitionNodeLimit': 'The number of nodes required by this job is outside of its ' 'partition\'s current limits. Can also indicate that required nodes ' 'are DOWN or DRAINED.', 'PartitionTimeLimit': 'The job\'s time limit exceeds its partition\'s current time limit.', 'Priority': 'One or more higher priority jobs exist for this partition or advanced ' 'reservation.', 'Prolog': 'Its PrologSlurmctld program is still running.', 'QOSJobLimit': 'The job\'s QOS has reached its maximum job count.', 'QOSResourceLimit': 'The job\'s QOS has reached some resource limit.', 'QOSTimeLimit': 'The job\'s QOS has reached its time limit.', 'ReqNodeNotAvail': 'Some node specifically required by the job is not currently available. ' 'The node may currently be in use, reserved for another job, in an ' 'advanced reservation, DOWN, DRAINED, or not responding. Nodes which ' 'are DOWN, DRAINED, or not responding will be identified as part of ' 'the job\'s "reason" field as "UnavailableNodes". Such nodes will ' 'typically require the intervention of a system administrator to make ' 'available.', 'Reservation': 'The job is waiting its advanced reservation to become available.', 'Resources': 'The job is waiting for resources to become available.', 'SystemFailure': 'Failure of the Slurm system, a file system, the network, etc.', 'TimeLimit': 'The job exhausted its time limit.', 'QOSUsageThreshold': 'Required QOS threshold has been breached.', 'WaitingForScheduling': 'No reason has been set for this job yet. Waiting for the ' 'scheduler to determine the appropriate reason.' } def __init__(self, url: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[SlurmExecutorConfig] = None): """ Parameters ---------- url Not used, but required by the spec for automatic initialization. config An optional configuration for this executor. """ if not config: config = SlurmExecutorConfig() super().__init__(config=config) self.generator = TemplatedScriptGenerator(config, Path(__file__).parent / 'slurm' / 'slurm.mustache') def generate_submit_script(self, job: Job, context: Dict[str, object], submit_file: IO[str]) -> None: """See :meth:`~.BatchSchedulerExecutor.generate_submit_script`.""" self.generator.generate_submit_script(job, context, submit_file) def get_submit_command(self, job: Job, submit_file_path: Path) -> List[str]: """See :meth:`~.BatchSchedulerExecutor.get_submit_command`.""" return ['sbatch', str(submit_file_path.absolute())] def get_cancel_command(self, native_id: str) -> List[str]: """See :meth:`~.BatchSchedulerExecutor.get_cancel_command`.""" return ['scancel', '-Q', native_id] def process_cancel_command_output(self, exit_code: int, out: str) -> None: """See :meth:`~.BatchSchedulerExecutor.process_cancel_command_output`.""" raise SubmitException('Failed job cancel job: %s' % out) def get_status_command(self, native_ids: Collection[str]) -> List[str]: """See :meth:`~.BatchSchedulerExecutor.get_status_command`.""" # we're not really using job arrays, so this is equivalent to the job ID. However, if # we were to use arrays, this would return one ID for the entire array rather than # listing each element of the array independently return [_SQUEUE_COMMAND, '-O', 'JobArrayID,StateCompact,Reason', '-t', 'all', '--me'] def parse_status_output(self, exit_code: int, out: str) -> Dict[str, JobStatus]: """See :meth:`~.BatchSchedulerExecutor.parse_status_output`.""" check_status_exit_code(_SQUEUE_COMMAND, exit_code, out) r = {} lines = iter(out.split('\n')) # skip header lines.__next__() for line in lines: if not line: continue cols = line.split() assert len(cols) == 3 native_id = cols[0] state = self._get_state(cols[1]) msg = self._get_message(cols[2]) if state == JobState.FAILED else None r[native_id] = JobStatus(state, message=msg) return r def get_list_command(self) -> List[str]: """See :meth:`~.BatchSchedulerExecutor.get_list_command`.""" return ['squeue', '--me', '-o', '%i', '-h', '-r', '-t', 'all'] def _get_state(self, state: str) -> JobState: assert state in SlurmJobExecutor._STATE_MAP return SlurmJobExecutor._STATE_MAP[state] def _get_message(self, reason: str) -> str: assert reason in SlurmJobExecutor._REASONS_MAP return SlurmJobExecutor._REASONS_MAP[reason] def job_id_from_submit_output(self, out: str) -> str: """See :meth:`~.BatchSchedulerExecutor.job_id_from_submit_output`.""" return out.strip().split()[-1] def _format_duration(self, d: timedelta) -> str: # # Acceptable time formats include "minutes", "minutes:seconds", "hours:minutes:seconds", # "days-hours", "days-hours:minutes" and "days-hours:minutes:seconds". days = '' if d.days > 0: days = str(d.days) + '-' return days + "%s:%s:%s" % (d.seconds // 3600, (d.seconds // 60) % 60, d.seconds % 60) def _clean_submit_script(self, job: Job) -> None: super()._clean_submit_script(job) self._delete_aux_file(job, '.nodefile')